Pop culture language commonly starts as specific to particular groups with shared interests, and is frequently adopted into mainstream vernacular.

Join OED editors Dr Catherine Sangster and Fiona McPherson, and guest speakers Prof Dr Christina Sanchez-Stockhammer and Dr Fraser Dallachy for a discussion that will focus on the language of science fiction, fantasy, gaming, and other specific fandoms:

• How and why language that develops in these communities is adopted more widely
• How do the OED monitor these developments, and decide what should (or should not) be recorded on the OED
• Interesting examples
• The influence of World Englishes varieties and other languages
• Q&A time – bring your questions to the panellists or send them in advance to oed.uk@oup.com

Please note that this event will be recorded, and all registrants will be notified once the recording is available for viewing.
Thursday, November 21, 2024 · 5:00 p.m. London (UTC +0:00)
Dr Catherine Sangster
Oxford Languages Executive Editor: Pronunciations
Dr Catherine Sangster is Executive Editor: Pronunciations at Oxford Languages. Before moving into lexicography, she headed the BBC Pronunciation Unit, and completed a D.Phil. in Sociophonetics.
Read Dr Sangster's blog: Looking back at Geek Dictionary Corner
Prof Dr Christina Sanchez-Stockhammer
Chair of English and digital linguistics, Head of department for English and American Studies, Chemnitz University of Technology
Christina Sanchez-Stockhammer has always taken great interest in popular culture and is very happy that being professor of English and Digital Linguistics at Chemnitz University of Technology allows her to investigate the language of films and texts she cherishes. She has carried out research on a large number of different topics (e.g. language in comics and fairy tales), and in her recent open access article 'The impact of Star Wars on the English language: Star Wars-derived words and constructions in present-day English corpora', she used corpus linguistic methods to analyse to what extent words from the “Star Wars” franchise have become part of the English language and are now used in innovative contexts.
Visit Prof Dr Christina Sanchez-Stockhammer’s website.
Fiona Mcpherson
Senior Editor, OED New Words Team, Oxford University Press
Fiona has worked on the OED for over 20 years, initially working as part of the Revision team before moving on to New Words. As an undergraduate, she studied English Language and Literature at the University of Glasgow, and her first taste of lexicography came after graduation when she began work for Chambers Dictionaries in Edinburgh on their 21st Century Dictionary. In addition to adding new words to the OED, she regularly undertakes media and publicity work on behalf of the dictionary.
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