Summer Seminars for Secondary Teachers 2023 Online

About These Webinars

Watch this special series of on-demand webinars. Our expert speakers will introduce some practical classroom ideas to get the most out of using Oxford University Press materials and assist you in delivering engaging and successful lessons.

You only need to register once to gain access to all four sessions.
All sessions are pre-recorded videos and a mix of new and recycled content from previous online events. The sessions are available from September 6 until December 31.



Sessions in this Webinars
  • Register for the series (視聴にはご登録が必要です。)
    A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words – Reinforcing Student-Centered Learning through Art & Technology (Ken Guerrero)
    Recorded in August, 2023
  • Register for the series (視聴にはご登録が必要です。)
    【ハイライト】「読みたい!」を引き出す仕組み作り~想像力と思考力を育てる多読支援 (山岸 典子)
    Recorded in August, 2023
  • Register for the series (視聴にはご登録が必要です。)
    【完全版】「読みたい!」を引き出す仕組み作り~想像力と思考力を育てる多読支援 (山岸 典子)
    Recorded in August, 2023

Register for the series.(視聴にはご登録が必要です。)
